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Thursday, October 30, 2014

October 2014: Book Haul


I didn't intend on buying any books this month, but look what I've got! ㅠㅠ Some books I actually acquired late September, but I will include them in this post anyway. Some I got free from publishers, but mostly I bought them myself. There are 5 Indonesian books and 3 English books in the pile; and I actually have finished 2 of them—which reduces the amount of books added to my ever-growing TBR pile. I personally think it's a good book haul this month, because there are lots of books I'm excited to read. So let me introduce you to my new books ;)

These two are books I got for free from Penerbit Haru to be reviewed on this blog. The first one is a Korean-translated book by Hyun Go Wun whom I really like; because I enjoyed reading the previous two books. And the second one is a book by Indonesian writer, a winner of 100 Days of Romance writing competition. I have finished reading these two books, you can read the review here for Moon in the Spring & Sweet Home.

I can't tell you enough how excited I am with the release of The Blood of Olympus! Because it means I can start reading the Heroes of Olympus series and marathon all 5-books. I've heard so many amazing things about this series, and my friend kept telling me to read it soon. I'm so looking forward to start reading the first book after I'm done with the books I have to read. Oh, and I purchased the book from Periplus bookstore. The other one is a book my brother asked me to buy, and I ordered this one from Book Depository. Even though it's a non-fiction book, I'm also really excited to read this one because I know Richard Branson is a very inspiring businessman :))

Tere-Liye is one of my most favorite Indonesian authors, that's why when he released a new book, I quickly go to his personal online bookstore and ordered one. If I bought his books in that online bookstore, all the books will be autographed :)) I'm still currently reading the book (and it's very thick too), but hopefully I'll be able to finish it soon :)) As for the other book I got from Periplus bookstore as well, and I got this book because the movie adaptation is out soon! The premise is really interesting, and I certainly can't wait to read this one as well.

The 5th book from the Supernova series is out, and I haven't even started reading the first one. I also heard many good things about this series, but I want the series to end first before I'm going to start reading it. The other book is by Lia Indra Andriana, an Indonesian author whom I really enjoy reading as well. I don't really know what the book is going to be about, but the cover is really cute :3

So those are the books I got in October, I really hope I can finish most of the books from this pile soon :)) As usual, I hope I won't be buying any more books next month—but most of the time it's just some sort of false hope. I really want to save money because I spent quite a huge amount while I was in South Korea. Anyways, have you read the books I hauled this month? And have you purchased books this month? ;)) Bye!

 by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. spent quite a lot this month too, a million perhaps, orz.

  2. Cant wait to start the seriess! xD Setauku nama asli Tere Liye itu Darwis; mgkn cuma nama pena aja xD

  3. Before I Go to Sleep is seriously need more praise. I really like how the story starts, goes, and ends. It's intense. Hope you like it as much as I do :)


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