I think this is the first time that I compiled two months worth of book haul into one, because I don't know why but I seem to have no time (or effort) to take book haul pictures and make a post about it. So I'm pushing myself today because if I don't do it now, my book haul pile will just get higher and I'll just keep on procrastinating. In the first two months of 2016, I've acquired 13 books (8 Indonesian books—6 of them I received from family or authors/publishers for review—and 5 English books). Which I think is a pretty small haul considering this is two months worth of book shopping. And I've read several books from this pile as well so I feel less guilty for not adding more books to my TBR list. Okay, so here are the books!
Cafe Waiting Love by Giddens Ko | Fiction | Book Review
The Stolen Years by Ba Yue Chang An | Fiction | Book Review
These two I received from Penerbit Haru to be read and reviewed; and I was especially excited for Cafe Waiting Love because it's written by Giddens Ko—the author of You Are the Apple of My Eye! I really adored his previous book so I was equally excited for this one. The Stolen Years is also a Mandarin-translated novel, which I know nothing about at first but found myself really enjoying the story. These two are already adapted into movies and I've been wanting to watch them but haven't got the time yet.
Hujan by Tere Liye | Fiction | Book Review
I ordered this book from TBO Delisa, the author's official online bookstore, when it came out. I was eager to read this book because it sounds like something right up my alley. Unfortunately I was quite disappointed by it. You can read my full thoughts about it in my book review :)
THIS BOOK! It's been on my wishlist for the longest time, but I've held myself back because it was so expensive. However, in January, I had to spend my Periplus PEC member points before they expires. So I decided to order this book from Periplus.com and I managed to get this book at a very reasonable price! Ugh I'm so happy because this book is so so beautiful! The illustrations on the inside are stunning! Don't know when I'll read this though, maybe when I'm finally caught up with the series. But for now it will be a beautiful display on my bookshelf <3
Mutiara Bagi Raja by Hanna Carol | Non-Fiction
My cousin who lives in Jakarta sent this book for my mom (who gave it to me), so thank you! This book is quite popular around my church friends (since it's a Christian book), so I've been intrigued by it. The layout of this book is really pretty, I'm especially loving all the calligraphy writing in this book. Will definitely post a review on this book when I've read it ;)
Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman | Fiction
I got several books from my trip to Periplus Bookstore at the end of January. The first one that I picked up is this book that I've been wanting to read for quite some time now. I heard a lot of good things about it and from what I know this book talks about mental illness. I actually already own the ebook version, but I think having the paperback edition will motivate me to read it sooner. Loving that cover as well ! (another reason to buy the book) :))
Still from the same trip to Periplus Bookstore, I also got myself the sequel to The Young Elites. I know that I haven't even started the first book, but you know I always collect and wait until the series ends before I marathon the whole series. And since I enjoyed Marie Lu's Legend trilogy, I'm putting my trust in her this time as well :) Hopefully it's good. If you've started this series, tell me what you think about it ;)
The third book that I got from Periplus Bookstore is a year-long devotional book by one of my favorite Christian writer, Joyce Meyer. I own several other devotionals and books by her as well and I've always enjoyed her writing.
Hai, Miiko! 28 by Ono Eriko | Fiction | Goodreads Review
The last book that I acquired in January is this comic book that I've been waiting for the longest time! Hai, Miiko! is the only comic book that I'm still keeping up with. Even though this edition was freaking expensive, it's definitely worth it. I bought this book at Toko Gunung Agung, and it comes with a (useless) pouch with an illustration on it.
Peek A Boo, Love by Sofi Meloni | Fiction | Book Review
I'm really thankful to the author, Sofi Meloni, who kindly offered me to read and reviewed her newest book. I received this book from the publisher Gramedia Pustaka Utama, and I finished it in a fairly short time. If you want to know more about my thoughts on this book, you can check out my book review in the link above :)
Kepada Gema by Diego Christian | Fiction
Another book that I received from the publisher, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, and this one is for blog tour purposes. The cover won my heart the first time I saw it; it's so beautiful! The crashing waves in the background made it look so dramatic. The tour on my blog will start on March 1st, so stay tune for the review and don't miss the giveaway!
For this one, I've actually read the book back in January and joined the blog tour; but last month I read it in ebook version. When the book is finally published, the author/publisher Elex Media Komputindo, kindly sent me a paperback copy. I heard there will be a sequel for this book, so I can't wait to read it soon! Feel free to read my book review if you want to know more about it :)

I don't know why but it feels like it's been a while since I placed an order on Book Depository. This book has been on my wishlist for so long and I thought I wouldn't buy it because I can read the speech online anyways. But the book is so pretty, I could not resist. It's an inspiring book that will also look good on my bookshelf. Even though the price was quite expensive for such a small book, I really don't mind <3
Those are all the books that I got within these two months! Hopefully next month I'll be able to post my book haul regularly as I usually do. But I'm trying not to buy too many books because I'm currently saving for my traveling plans this year. Anyways, have you read any of the books that I've got in January/February? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below! Bye now!
2 months, 13 books. Wow!
ReplyDeleteFrom all your list, I have only read The Stolen Years. And yes, I also have the movie but have not spare time yet to watch it.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I am interested on Mutiara Bagi Raja by Hanna Carol. Can you give a hint of its blurb?