"Books help me escape from the reality I live in."
We have reached the last month of 2013 - YAYY! Looking back at this year, there are so many different things that happened. Happiness, sadness, delights, and even distress. But it was a wonderful year and I thank God for everything that has happened, and I also thank God for what will happen in the future. I am absolutely blessed this year, and I know same thing will happen for many years to come. December is definitely a month to be joyful, because we are going to welcome the new year: 2014! So I let me treat myself with books as early Christmas gift (for myself). For several months I've been limiting my book-shopping. But not this month! So be prepared, as I introduce you my Christmas Book-Treats ! :^) *some books are not photographed in the picture above, because they arrived later.
Allegiant is a book I've been waiting for; because since this book is in my hands, I can finally start reading the Divergent series! As for Clockwork Prince, I already got myself the first and third book of this series, but strangely I haven't got the second one. So I finally ordered a copy from bookdepo. Honestly, The Mortal Instruments series are still sitting on my TBR pile, waiting to be read. I don't know when I'll spare some time for it, but I'll definitely read it - hopefully next year (?).
1Q84 also has been sitting in my shelves for quite a while in my bookshelves, but I still haven't read it due to its' extreme thickness. The translated version is divided into four books (well, the original version is also available in that way, too), and the fourth book has yet to be published. So probably when the fourth book is out, it will move up on my reading list. Rhapsody is an Indonesian book by a not-so-new author, but I never read his works before. Since the reviews on goodreads shows a pretty good rating, I tried reading it. I finished it while I was away for a trip, it was a good book! Review coming soon on this blog :)
Keluarga Cemara #2: Tempat Minum Plastik dari Toko, Becak Emak, Bunga Pengantin by Arswendo Atmowiloto
Koma by Rachmania Arunita
Keluarga Cemara is considered popular Indonesian classics story, because since I was a child I've heard about it and it was adapted into a television series (I think). I never really remember the story, because I was too young, or maybe I didn't watch TV that much. But the cover of the book had my interests, especially since the name Arswendo Atmowiloto is on the cover. So I decided to buy it. Knowing that this one is the second book, I also ordered the first one online. Rachmania Arunita is an author who has a very important role in my reading life. Her book Eiffel, I'm in Love... is one of my favorites when I was a teenager. So I'm definitely looking forward to reading her newest work.
Well, needless to say, The House of Hades is a must-buy. I also discussed about this book in my Goodreads Choice Awards 2013 Winners & Opinions post. This is the fourth book, and I'm still waiting for the final book to be released before I can start reading this amazing series (so I heard). Anddd Mitch Albom! The day Mitch Albom released a new book is like Christmas to me. And I'm not the type of person who buys hardcover, but Mitch Albom books deserves to be bought in hardcover. I cannot wait for it to be released in paperback/mass market, which is probably next year, so I just got this. Putting it on my TBR soon list ;)
Cheer Boy!! by Asai Ryo (review)
This book I got for free from the publisher to be reviewed. It's a Japanese book translated to Indonesian, and at first I didn't have too much expectation (because my reading experience on Japanese-translated books is just so-so); but it turns out to be a very enjoyable book. It's about a bunch of boys creating a male cheerleading team. Check out my post for my complete review on the book :)
Simple Thinking About Blood Type by Park Dong Sun Oppa & I: Love Signs by Orizuka & Lia Indra Andriana
These two I also got for free from the same publisher: Penerbit Haru. Simple Thinking About Blood Type is a book I've been dying to read, because I saw it several times on the internet. It's a comic book that portrays the life and characteristics of each blood type. Although people's personality are a combination of life experiences, culture, genetics, and also many more. But this book can help us understand other people a little bit. I finished reading it as well, so review coming soon ;) Oppa & I: Love Signs is the third book of this series.
Rina Suryakusuma is one of my favorite Indonesian authors, and so when she released a new book, I gladly ordered it from pengenbuku.net. Going to read it soon! :) I also got the first book of Keluarga Cemara from pengenbuku - the cover is somewhat very similar to the second one, and I'm having a hard time differentiating them.
The Shining (The Shining, #1) by Stephen King Carrie by Stephen King
Emm. So. This purchase is quite unexpected. I also said this in my Goodreads Choice Awards 2013 Winners & Opinions post, that I want to try reading Stephen King - since the second book of The Shining series, Doctor Sleep won Best Horror award. So when I was waiting at the airport, I get inside Periplus just to browse (without the intention to buy anything, actually). And then I spot this two books in the highest shelf (which is kind of difficult for me to reach), and I was so tempted by the not-so-expensive price (although the cover is.... emm.. somewhat scary). So I decided to buy these two.
Andd here's the last one that arrived very recently! The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series has been in my wishlist for a very long time, and I thought it's finally time for me to get and read it. I was in dilemma whether to buy the individual books or this 5-volumes-in-1 edition. After a long thought, I decided to buy this one because the price is cheaper compared to buying the 5 books individually. My interest on this book started back when I love answering the never-ending book quiz on goodreads. The questions related to this book is always so unique, or should I say absurd? I'm still not sure when I'll start reading this super thick book, but I'll be sure to read this popular series :)
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✮ HOLIDAY BREAK (24 December 2013 - 7 January 2014) ✮
So the book-shopping news is over, now it's time to talk about my holiday break! ^ㅂ^ Next week I'll be going away for about 2 weeks with my family on a tour trip overseas. During that time, I'd like to forget everything and just enjoy the moment. Which is why during that time there won't be any posts published on this blog - probably not even this year's reading wrap up post like last year because I haven't prepared anything yet, and I still have 3 more books left to be reviewed before I'm going away. Maybe I'll post the wrap up post early next year. Anyone else going on a holiday for Christmas or New Year? If you are, I wish you a safe and joyful trip! I will also be taking a few books with me to read on my journey, hopefully I'll be able to finish one-or-two books. See you on January 2014 monthly greeting!

Wah Gramedia nerbitin buku Keluarga Cemara *masukin ke list to-buy bareng IQ84 #3*
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your trip, Kak Stef! Happy holiday & happy new year :D
yuupp ^^ thank you Tirtaa ;) Happy early new year to you too ;*