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Monday, March 30, 2015

March 2015: Book Haul


So.... more books came this month—but obviously, I'm not complaining. I've got 12 books this month, 6 books I received from publishers/authors, 1 from winning a competition, and 5 books I purchased on my own. In this pile, there are 7 Indonesian books and 4 English books; most of the Indonesian books I've read so I'm not adding too much to my TBR pile this month. I'm always trying to stop myself from buying books, but sometimes I just can't. Anyways, without further ado here are the new additions to my bookshelves :))

In a Blue Moon by Ilana Tan | Fiction
This was the best surprise I received in March, because it was totally unexpected! I actually pre-ordered this book at Grazera for 15% off on March 3rd, and few days later the book is in my mail! Oh my God, I cannot express how happy I was that day. That package totally made my day, and I feel so blessed because I was one of 50 lucky readers to receive this advanced SIGNED-copy. Again, I'd like to express my gratitude to Gramedia, and also to Dionisius Wisnu for the heartwarming letter inside the package :')) I read the book right after I received it, and already reviewed it as well :) You can click on the title above to check out my review ;)

The Wind Leading to Love by Ibuki Yuki | Fiction
Received this book from the publisher, Penerbit Haru, as part of a blog tour :) This one is a Japanese-translated book, and that cover is absolutely stunning! Check out my review and giveaway for this book tomorrow ;)
Love With a Witch by Hyun Go Wun | Fiction
Second book I got from Penerbit Haru, but I'm not joining the blog tour for this one. This is the 4th Hyun Go Wun's book I've read so far, and I always love the concept of her stories :)) Read and reviewed this as well, so click on the title to see my full book review.
Intertwine by FLOCK | Fiction
The third and last book from Penerbit Haru, and this one is also for a blog tour event! I'm so excited for this book because it's written by 5 authors: Fei, Lia Indra Andriana, Orizuka, Clara Canceriana, and KP Januwarsi. It's a collection of short stories that intertwine with each other. My blog tour post is scheduled on April 10th, and there will also be a giveaway for this book the day after ;)

Not a Perfect Wedding by Asri Tahir | Fiction
This book I received from the author/publisher, Asri Tahir and Elex Media, for (yet another) blog tour purpose :) I really love the idea of the story that's related to marriage. For the blog tour I posted a series of quotes taken from the book, as well as a book review :) You can click the title above to read my full review on this book.
Kismet by Nina Addison | Fiction
I was offered by Dini @ Dinoy's Book Reviews to read this book (because she's the editor! Congrats!), and I accepted it gladly. So Gramedia sent this book to me to be read and reviewed. Some people already read it and gave positive reviews, so I'm really excited to find out more about it very soon!

The Ask and The Answer by Patrick Ness | Fiction
Last month, in my February Book Haul, I posted the first book of this series—and now the second book has finally arrived! This one I also ordered from Book Depository, and I can't wait to finally marathon this popular series :') Isn't that cover beautiful?
Another book I ordered from Book Depository last month, and it has finally arrived! Now my Lunar Chronicles series is complete (so far), I only have to wait for the fourth and final book to come out before I can marathon this series. Hopefully I'll enjoy it as much as other people do :))

Bulan by Tere-Liye | Fiction
Akkk! The excitement! I've been waiting so long for this book to come out! This book is the sequel to Bumi by Tere-Liye, and I instantly ordered it at the author's official online bookstore—so I can get an autograph too. I had so many books I have to read this month so I still haven't started this one yet. Hopefully next month I'll be able to read and review it ;)

To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han | Fiction
I always hesitate when I saw this book at the bookstore, because I'm not really sure I will love the story—but that cover is so gorgeous, I want to have it. So when I went to the bookstore and saw this book, I had to bring it home with me.... Hopefully I'll enjoy it. Any of you read this book yet? What did you think about it? :))

This is a prize I received from winning Dare to Blog competition by Periplus. I've never read a Murakami book before, but I'm always curious because he's so popular. I actually owned some of his other books, but I think I might start reading this soon because it's quite short :) Oh, and I also received a 100K e-Voucher from Periplus—so I ordered a book, but it hasn't arrived yet. Anyway, thanks again Periplus!

To be completely honest.... I actually purchased some more books near the end of March—but I didn't have the time to take more pictures to add to this post. So those books are going to be included in my next book haul :)) Have you read any of the books I got this month? What books did you buy in March? Feel free to share your own book haul in the comments below :D I'm always interested to see what other people got from the bookstores ;) Okay, bye now!
by.stefaniesugia♥ .


  1. Cover novel-novel terbitan Haru bagus-bagus ya. Jadi ngiler, terutama yang Intertwine. Entah kenapa aku suka banget covernya.

    Ciee yang dapet tanda tangan dari Ilana Tan. Cuma 50 orang toh? Beruntungnya... :o
    Penasaran nih, Stefanie sudah pernah ketemu dengan Ilana Tan? Nyari-nyari fotonya di internet tapi nggak ketemu. Penulis yang misterius...

    1. Iyaaa yg Intertwine cakep banget :'D
      Emg wktu itu beruntung banget, aku aja gk nyangka bisa kepilih xD
      Belom pernah ketemu Ilana Tan sih, daridulu emg misterius banget, gk pernah ada profil-nya :1

  2. To All the Boys I Loved Before lagi masuk wishlistku nih, Stef ^^
    Mau ikutan PO buku sekuelnya jadi sekalian beli yang buku ke-1 biar nggak double ongkir ;)

    Itu kamu beli yang versi b.Indo apa b.Inggris?

    1. Ini aku beli yg b.inggris ;)) lg nunggu buku keduanya jg nih :D

  3. Alasanmu beli Jenny Han juga sama kayak aku :D Semoga suka deh. Menurutku ceritanya biasa banget. Tapi somehow aku suka. Entah kenapa.

    1. Hahahhaa kalo kmu bs suka, kayaknya aku mgkn suka juga :p

  4. Yayy! Mudah2an aku suka juga :D Selama ini sih belum pernah, soalnya buku yg aku kumpulin biasanya buku yg kemungkinan besar aku suka :D Nanti klo ada pengalaman kyk gitu aku share di blog ;)) Thank you udh mampir ! ;*

  5. Aku udah kelar baca Cress trus hangover terus lanjut Fairest eh malah hangover hahaha aku juga suka The Lunar Chronicles! :3


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