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Friday, February 7, 2025

Book Review: The Little Liar by Mitch Albom

BOOK review
Started on: 18 October 2024
Finished on: 16 November 2024
Title: The Little Liar
Author: Mitch Albom
Publisher: Harper
Pages: 352 pages / 350 pages (e-book)
Year of Publication: 2023
Price: Rp 335,000 (

Rating: 5/5
"You can trust the story you are about to hear. You can trust it because I am telling it to you, and I am the only thing in this world you can trust."
Until he was eleven years old, Nico Krispis never told a lie. On the day the Nazis invaded his home in Salonika, Greece, a German officer found Nico and offered him a chance to save his family. Nico was supposed to convince his fellow Jewish residents to board the trains heading to their new homes. Unaware of this cruel ruse, Nico goes to the station platform and reassures the passengers that the journey is safe. Nico even sees his family loaded into a large boxcar with their neighbors. When Nico realizes he helped send the people he loved to their doom in Auschwitz, it's all too late. Since that day, Nico never tells the truth again.
"When we finish this story, you may say, "That was impossible." But here is the funny thing about truth: the less real something seems, the more people want to believe it."

Friday, January 3, 2025

Book Review: Anjing Mengeong, Kucing Menggonggong by Eka Kurniawan

BOOK review
Started on: 6 October 2024
Finished on: 13 October 2024
Title: Anjing Mengeong, Kucing Menggonggong
Author: Eka Kurniawan
Publisher: Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Pages: 148 pages
Year of Publication: 2024
Price: Rp 127,200 (

Rating: 3/5
"Apakah saat itu Sato Reang sudah menjadi anak saleh? Setelah dipikir-pikir dengan segala kelakuanku di masa kecil itu, jawabannya mungkin tidak.
Setidaknya sampai aku berumur tujuh tahun."
Kisah ini adalah tentang Sato Reang. Hidupnya berubah sewaktu ia disunat di usia tujuh tahun dan ayahnya berkata bahwa sudah saatnya ia menjadi anak saleh. Di saat Sato Reang mendambakan kebebasan dan bersenang-senang bermain bola, ia dipaksa mengikuti ayahnya menjalankan berbagai ritual ibadah yang sebetulnya tidak ingin ia lakukan. Segala tekanan itu membuatnya membenci Jamal, temannya yang paling saleh dan paling rajin sembahyang. Terlebih lagi, ia semakin terdorong untuk menjadi anak yang tidak saleh demi mempermalukan ayahnya.
"Aku berjanji akan ada suatu hari di mana aku bisa merayakan kebebasan, melakukan apa pun yang aku mau, dan di saat itu aku boleh menangis sekehendak hati."

Monday, December 9, 2024

Book Review: Ask Pastor John: 750 Bible Answers to Life's Most Important Questions by Tony Reinke

BOOK review
Started on: 29 July 2024
Finished on: 4 October 2024
Title: Ask Pastor John: 750 Bible Answers to Life's Most Important Questions
Author: Tony Reinke
Publisher: Crossway
Pages: 536 pages / 712 pages (e-book)
Year of Publication: 2024
Price: Rp 773,000 (

Rating: 5/5
"Questions are the best steady-state way of creating problems for the mind because a question-free mind is a thinking-free mind and a discovery-free mind. Without this engagement, reading becomes passive entertainment, rather than growth in understanding reality. All learning is the fruit of question-asking and answer-seeking."
The Ask Pastor John podcast was created to fulfill the needs of thoughtful believers who need sound biblical advice for various questions about life in a secular world. The podcast features John Piper, a pastor-theologian and bestselling author who answers life's most difficult questions from the audience. In this book, Ask Pastor John host Tony Reinke summarizes and organizes ten years of their most popular and insightful episodes into thematic sections. Readers can quickly access Piper's insights on Bible reading, career, entertainment, mental health, and more. Through this book, we will realize how asking good questions strengthens faith and grows our understanding of God's word.
"Asking questions is the key to understanding. It wasn't a reminder. It was his brand."

Friday, September 20, 2024

Books I Read During the First Year of Parenthood

It's been over a year since I last published a non-review post on this blog! 😮 I also find it hard to believe I've been a parent for over a year. As a reader, I naturally turned to books for parenting advice (after asking my friends who have become parents first). Since I don't have any more book reviews left to write at the moment, I want to take this opportunity to share some parenting books I've read during my first year of becoming a parent. In this post, I will only write short reviews for each book and talk about whether it's helpful for me or not. Hopefully, this post can help those planning to have a baby or about to have one 👶.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Book Review: Nonik Jamu by Rina Suryakusuma

BOOK review
Started on: 6 July 2024
Finished on: 14 July 2024
Title: Nonik Jamu
Author: Rina Suryakusuma
Publisher: Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Pages: 272 pages
Year of Publication: 2024
Price: Rp 79,100 (

Rating: 4/5
"Kini ia percaya, tak ada yang mustahil dalam hidup. Jangan pernah batasi mimpi. Biarkan langit menjadi pagarnya."
Sejak kecil, Kinanti selalu membantu kedua orangtuanya menjaga toko kelontong milik keluarga mereka di Wonosobo. Ia memiliki impian agar suatu hari orangtuanya tidak perlu lagi bekerja terlalu keras seperti yang mereka lakukan selama ini. Seiring dengan bertambahnya usia Kinanti, ia menemukan tujuan hidup yang ia inginkan, yaitu menjadi peracik jamu. Pertemuannya dengan Pandu, anak pemilik Gudang Rempah, seolah menjadi pertanda bahwa semesta mendukung Kinanti mencapai impiannya. Namun dengan cara yang menyakitkan, Kinanti menyadari bahwa tidak semudah itu tujuannya dapat tercapai. Hingga Arumi muncul, dengan tekad untuk membalas sakit hati orangtuanya sekaligus mewujudkan mimpi yang tertunda selama bertahun-tahun. Dengan keteguhan dan kegigihan, Arumi bertekad untuk menggapai impian itu, apa pun taruhannya.
"Ia tetap berpegang teguh pada tekadnya, pada mimpinya untuk memetik bulan bagi ibunya."

Friday, August 23, 2024

Book Review: Funny Story by Emily Henry

BOOK review
Started on: 5 June 2024
Finished on: 4 July 2024
Title: Funny Story
Author: Emily Henry
Publisher: Berkley
Pages: 387 pages / 395 pages (e-book)
Year of Publication: 2024
Price: Rp 410,000 (

Rating: 5/5
"If you don't give other people responsibility for your feelings, you can have a decent relationship with most of them." 
Daphne is about to marry her fiancé, Peter, who suddenly realizes he's actually in love with his childhood best friend, Petra. This is how Daphne's new chapter begins: stranded in Waning Bay with no friends or family, working as a children's librarian, and becoming roommates with the only person who could understand her predicament: Petra's ex-boyfriend, Miles. With his bright and friendly personality, Miles is the opposite of practical and buttoned-up Daphne—who doesn't let people know much about her. The two of them mainly avoid each other until they decide to form a plan, which involves posting misleading photos of their summer adventure together. They didn't expect their public display of affection to ignite a new chapter in their romantic life because it would be a funny story for Daphne to tell if she fell in love with her ex-fiancé’s new fiancée’s ex.

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