BOOK review
Started on: 18 October 2024
Finished on: 16 November 2024
Finished on: 16 November 2024
Title: The Little Liar
Author: Mitch Albom
Publisher: Harper
Pages: 352 pages / 350 pages (e-book)
Year of Publication: 2023
Price: Rp 335,000 (https://www.periplus.com/)
Rating: 5/5
Year of Publication: 2023
Price: Rp 335,000 (https://www.periplus.com/)
Rating: 5/5
"You can trust the story you are about to hear. You can trust it because I am telling it to you, and I am the only thing in this world you can trust."
Until he was eleven years old, Nico Krispis never told a lie. On the day the Nazis invaded his home in Salonika, Greece, a German officer found Nico and offered him a chance to save his family. Nico was supposed to convince his fellow Jewish residents to board the trains heading to their new homes. Unaware of this cruel ruse, Nico goes to the station platform and reassures the passengers that the journey is safe. Nico even sees his family loaded into a large boxcar with their neighbors. When Nico realizes he helped send the people he loved to their doom in Auschwitz, it's all too late. Since that day, Nico never tells the truth again.
"When we finish this story, you may say, "That was impossible." But here is the funny thing about truth: the less real something seems, the more people want to believe it."