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Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Top 5 Wednesday: Books I'm Thankful For


It's been so long since I last did a Top 5 Wednesday post; the last one I wrote was back in January 2019 😱. I was actually looking for a non-review blog post idea when I stumbled upon this topic for November 2021—which I'm really excited to talk about because books certainly play a huge role in my life. Through many years of reading, books have changed my perspective, made me understand myself better, and allowed me to experience various different lives through the characters that I read. So in this post, I'm going to list 5 books that I'm thankful for along with the reasons why I chose them. Here they are, listed in no particular order 😊.
The first book on this list is a manga that I read back when I was still in elementary school. I chose this manga because I think it's one of the reason why I started to love reading. A friend actually lent this book and I remember how I was completely immersed in the story. I think I've mentioned it in another post that my love for reading started from my love for manga. So I'm really thankful for this manga—and also grateful for my friend who shared it with me 😊.
This is a book that I read during school for English class and it's one of many that got me to enjoy and love reading English books. I'm especially fond of Matilda because she's an avid reader as well—which inspired me to read more. Thankful for this book that encouraged me to read books written in English because it's relatively quite easy to understand for my younger self.
In my early 20s, I'm so thankful I came across this book because I felt like it understands me so well. This book (and the author) has helped me to understand myself and encouraged me to change for the better too. It's one of many books that I treasured the most because of how much it impacted my life and improved my self-esteem as an introvert 😁.
I read this book a few years ago during my mid-20s and it assured me about my ultimate purpose as a human being. I think a lot of people questioned their life purpose at some point and I personally think that this book answered that for me. Really glad I decided to read this book, which helped me to avoid the so-called quarter-life crisis.
The last book that I will be mentioning in this post is a book that came to me at the perfect time. It was released back in 2018 and that year my family was going through a pretty difficult/challenging season. The title called out to me and I'm very thankful that I decided to read it right after it was released. It certainly gave me hope and led to believe that God is good even when life might not seem so good at the moment.

I actually have so many more books that I'm thankful for but these 5 books are the ones that popped up in my mind first. I'm glad I decided to make this post because it makes me think back on the books that I've read in the past and how they have impacted me since then. For me, there are times when books feel like a teacher to me; and at other times, books can feel like a friend that keeps me company—but either way, I'm always grateful for all the books that I've read in the past and will read in the future. What are some of the books that you're grateful for? I'm really curious to see other people's list, so if you decide to do this post, feel free to share the links in the comments section and I'll definitely check them out! πŸ˜† See you in the next post!

by.stefaniesugia♥ .

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