I am super excited to announce that Books & Beyond has officially opened its first store in Surabaya! It really makes me happy when a new bookstore opens because there's not much choice in Surabaya, especially places to buy English/imported books. I visited Books & Beyond for the first time on October 20th and was pleasantly surprised to see how big the place is. So in this post, I will sharing this new bookstore with you through a series of photos that I took while I was there :))
↓↓ This is the side-view of the store, which looks beautiful. ↓↓
↓↓ Here's the main entrance to the store, which gives an overall view of the whole store inside. I love their window display as well :)) ↓↓
↓↓ As I entered the store, the area is divided into several sections and there are some tables with books on display. What caught my eye is of course the Bestsellers section. They have new and popular books in that section. I saw a lot of Murakami, John Green, and Jenny Han's books. ↓↓
↓↓ To the left side of the store, there are rows of shelves dedicated for different genres. The first one is the Fiction row. They have a pretty huge selection of books. I see my favorite books like Mitch Albom's books and also Khaled Hosseini's. They also have new released books like Go Set a Watchman and Finding Audrey. ↓↓
↓↓ Behind the fiction shelves, there's the Children's Fiction section. I honestly think there's a lot more books for children in this bookstore than books for adult. But I'm not complaining since I also love some children's books too. I found a book that I've been wanting for so long in this section! (I bought it of course. You'll see it at the end of this post) They even have the new Harry Potter covers! I really really want to get them all, but I already have the US edition boxset so I have to hold myself back :( But I don't know why they put A Song of Ice and Fire series on top of the children's fiction shelf :1 It's definitely not for children. ↓↓
↓↓ Moving on to the middle area of the store, there's this display area that's dedicated to Young Adult books, I think. They don't really label it, I just assumed that way because most of the books are YA fiction. I'm really glad because they have so many books to choose from. It just feels nice browsing through all the books in display :)) They have pretty updated new released books as well. ↓↓
↓↓ The right side of the store is mostly dedicated to non-fiction books like these shelves for Self-Help books. I spotted Austin Kleon's books, The Diary of Anne Frank, and also I Am Malala :) Oh, and also Quiet by Susan Cain, one of favorite non-fiction books because it talks about introverts. ↓↓
↓↓ Behind the Self-Help shelves there's a row full of Business books—which doesn't really interests me because I never read business books before (except if they're like memoir/biography). But for those of you who're interested in reading business books, the store also has various books to choose from :) The only book that I own from this section is Richard Branson's Like a Virgin, which talks about his success secrets :) ↓↓
↓↓ At the back of the store there's this huge row of shelves full of toys and also Children's Picture Books. This is literally heaven for children who love books. ↓↓

↓↓ The store also has a collection of miscellanous books and some magazines too. They have a lot of adult coloring books as well—which seems to be the trend these days. ↓↓
↓↓ Here's the cashier that's right next to the store entrance. The store also provides a computer if you're looking for a specific book. ↓↓

Lastly let's talk about what I got from Books & Beyond that day! I picked up Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs; it's the third and final book in the Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children trilogy. I also found Auggie & Me by R.J. Palacio, which has been on my wishlist for quite a while! I'm so so happy I found this book in the store and I instantly picked it up without thinking twice.
I also applied as a member at Books & Beyond because I'm sure I'll be coming back—and there's quite a lot of advantages when you make a purchase as a member. They also give out 20% OFF Welcome Voucher and 20% OFF Birthday discount. Can't wait to use them :)))) Oh, and I picked out the card with the cutest design! Super adorable <3
Congratulations Books & Beyond for your first store in Surabaya!
—— Books & Beyond Surabaya Store Location ——
Supermall Pakuwon Indah
Lower Ground Floor (In front of Hypermart)
Jl. Puncak Indah Lontar No. 2, Surabaya 60123
Phone: 031-7390265
Email: spi@booksbeyond.co.id
Lower Ground Floor (In front of Hypermart)
Jl. Puncak Indah Lontar No. 2, Surabaya 60123
Phone: 031-7390265
Email: spi@booksbeyond.co.id
the wallpaper is adorable and it looks spacious :3.
ReplyDeletei hope books & beyond (and other imported book stores) would open its stores in many cities of Indonesia, not only in big cities, since it's quite difficult to buy english/imported books in physical store. instead, we have to buy online.
I hope so too! :D
DeleteOH MY GOD! Lengkap banget bukunya daripada P+. Apalagi aku sempet dapet pelayanan yg kurang enak sih dari karyawan P+ GM. Jadinya rada males mampir. Kalau dari segi harga gimana?
ReplyDeleteEmg lebih bnyak pilihan dri P+ sih XD Dari segi harga krg lebih mirip sm P+ sih :D
DeleteAkkk, kapan Solo ada toko buku kece seperti ini, hiks
ReplyDeleteBENER BANGET. Susah ya cari buku impor di Solo
DeleteSemoga Books & Beyond buka di Solo ya XD
DeleteWiih toko buku favoritkuuu... Akhirnya ya Stef. Hihi. Kalo lagi promo buat member harganya lumayan miring lho, dan suka tiba-tiba ada buku-buku YA yang nggak disangka-sangka. haha
ReplyDeleteIyaaa akhirnyaa, udh lama bgt nunggu2 Books Beyond buka di sini :D
DeleteKartu membernya sumpah gak nahan lucunya ><. Oh ya, makasih infonya, kak, mengenai books & beyond. Kapan2 pengen ke sana deh
ReplyDeleteSamaa2 ;))
DeleteAaww kartu membernya lucu bangeet >< Aku paling sukaa mampir ke books and beyond, harganya lumayan lebih miring :D tapi di tempatku ga segede ini books and beyond nya :(
ReplyDeleteIya kartu membernya emg lucu bgtt XD
DeleteIt's look like find a new heaven in the world, Kak :D I'm not sure B&B store exist in Bandung xD
ReplyDeleteTrue! :D
DeleteI'm excited that we have another bookshop to choose from, but still neither B&B nor Periplus had the book I was looking for when I dropped by the other day D:
ReplyDeleteYes that happens to me sometimes too :1
DeleteNgiri banget. Aku yg di Semarang msh harus sabar beli online dan kadang nunggu Periplus impor bukunya dr luar dulu huhuhu lama banget keburu ngidam baca bukunya ilang dan berpindah ke buku lain
ReplyDeleteSemoga Books Beyond buka di Semarang yah :D